NomosDA NomosDA vs Other Data Availability Solutions This article will compare NomosDA with the data availability solutions provided by Ethereum, Celestia, and Avail.
Data Availability Introduction to NomosDA NomosDA provides a mechanism that guarantees that all data from Nomos zones are accessible and verifiable by every network participant.
Data Availability Why We Chose KZG for NomosDA We decided on the KZG scheme as the PCS for NomosDA, for reasons that will be explained in this conclusion to the PCS series.
NomosDA FRI-based Commitments for Data Availability The FRI scheme is renowned as a cornerstone of STARKs and can also serve as the basis for a polynomial commitment scheme using the DEEP-FRI method.
NomosDA Inner Product Arguments for Data Availability IPAs have been proposed for use in data availability sampling due to several key advantages over the more popular KZG scheme.
NomosDA KZG Commitments for Data Availability The KZG scheme was designed to reduce communication costs. This scheme is therefore a popular choice for use in data availability layers.
NomosDA Commitment Schemes for Data Availability Polynomial commitment schemes play a vital role in the DA process by allowing a prover to commit to a polynomial and later provide proofs that specific evaluations of that polynomial are correct.